Friday, January 7, 2011

Texting Language

These days texting is not just your average language. When texting people use a different kind of language. It is the shortening of many words. The language is filled with abbreviations and acronyms designed to quickly communicate and disguise the conversation that is really going about. Most adults can not understand what is being said so it is easier for teens to talk about things that their parents don't approve of. Their parent could be looking over their shoulder and they can still have a normal conversation while using acronyms and their parent would be clueless.  

Now older people and parents are starting to use the acronyms because it sometimes takes forever for an adult to text a long message and it makes it easier to use abbreviations. Acronyms and abbreviations are also used in email, twitter, facebook, everywhere you can imagine.When using them you should make sure that you know what they mean so you save yourself embarassment of thinking they mean something else. 

Some of the most famous acronyms and abbreviations used are :
-BRB – Be right back
-IDK – I don’t know
-L8R – Later
-LOL – Laugh out loud
-OMG – Oh my God!
-TBA – To be announced
-XOXO – Hugs and kisses

-TTYL – Talk to you later
-BC – Because
-BTW – By the Way
-ILY – I Love You
-JK – Just Kidding

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