Monday, November 22, 2010

Texting & Driving worse than Drunk Driving?

Admit it.
You've done it.

Its the most dangerous habit Americans have developed today.
Texting while driving can be fatal but those who don't know its more fatal than driving while drunk. A magazine had studied how long it has taken for a person that is driving to hit the break that is totally sober, legally drunk at .08, texting at the wheel and or sending an email. The results showed that sending a text message adds 70 feet to the break pedal when driving drunk it only adds 4. Driving while intoxicated is less dangerous than texting and driving but still dangerous in all matters. Many people are slow to react when they are texting because they are so concentrated on their phone.

People believe that drunk driving is way worse than texting and driving because you hear it more often. But when headlines show that texting while driving is worse it really catches many people's attention. It is still done even though the action is banned in 14 states. It is easier for drivers to drift out of their lane if they are sending or receiving a text message. Texting is one of the most dangerous things that can be done while in charge of a motor vehicle.


  1. Everyone texts and drives, I understand how it is really dangerous and I hate when people do it while I am driving in the car with them. People should pay more attention to the roads and not as much to their phones.

  2. I think both texting and driving, and drunk driving are serious issues and very dangerous. They can cause bad accidents and even kill people.

  3. I wouldn't have guessed that it is more dangerous to text while driving.
    Very interesting.
