Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Texting behind the Wheel.

In today's society texting while driving has become very important. Texting while driving can be come a serious and dangerous matter. Many accidents occur due to not paying attention to the road and paying more attention to the cell phone. There are many dangers that people should be aware of that should hold off texting until parked or pulled over. In many states it is illegal to even handle a cell phone while both hands are on the wheel. Paying attention to the road should be the number one priority to driving. Texting while driving is not only a teen issue but also an adult issue too. Texting behind the wheel not only leads to distraction but also driver inattention which is the leading cause of car accidents. The majority of teen drivers ignore the cellphone while driving restrictions which can cause serious activities to occur. 

Texting while driving is about six times more likely to result in a car accident than driving while intoxicated. While driving, texting is the most distracting of all cell phone related tasks. If you are waiting for an important message through texting, it is a lot safer to just pull over instead of taking the chances of texting while driving. Somebodies life can be saved if there are no distractions on the road. An accident can happen in 2 to 3 seconds of texting. It is easier to turn your cell phone off or just turn the sound off so you do not worry about it while you are driving therefore it is easier for you to concentrate on the road and your surroundings. This may reduce the risk of accidents by fifty percent. This means that there are fewer accidents,injuries and death,even lower car insurance rates. Texting while driving is very dangerous and can even be fatal.

 The chances of getting into a serious car accident increases by four percent, if a cellphone is being used while driving. About fifty percent of drivers between the ages of 18 and 24 are involved in texting while driving. 20 percent of adult drivers are involved in the same risky activity. Think before you pick up the cellphone while behind the wheel. Here is a link that shows a mother telling the story of her son that passed away due to texting and driving. 
Dangers of Texting While Driving 

"Car Accident Cell Phone Statistics." Edgar Snyder & Associates. Edgar Snyder &
     Associates, n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2010. <http://Edgar Snyder &

"Texting while Driving Facts." Buzzle. Buzzle.com, n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2010.


  1. I believe that there should be more restrictions on phone use while in the car. Four percent doesn't seem like much but just think that an extra four percent of millions are going to get into an accident.

  2. Its not worth it to risk your life to send or recieve a text, Its better to just wait till you are home or parked before you respond to the text.

  3. Texting while driving or even being on your cell phone is dangerous, you hear more and more stories everyday about people dying or getting seriously injured by answering or sending a text message, if it is that important pull over to the side of the road, or wait until you get to your destination, your not only saving your life..but you saving others also.

  4. be sure to cite the sources of your information at the bottom of your post.

  5. Texting while driving is very dangerous. Your life is more important than a silly text message.

  6. I think if you get texting while driver you should have the punishment as if you were drinking while driving.

  7. By the way, your video is excellent. Keep up the good work!

  8. Texting while driving is definitely not worth it. I would rather wait on a text than risk my life. I hear stories all the time on the news about kids who get into fatal car accidents because they were texting while driving. Its just awful. Kids think oh I'm good at it, but really nobody is. I will never text and drive and risk my life.

  9. I agree texting and driving is not worth risking your life over. I have many freinds that text and drive and once I get in the car with them I make sure that there is no texting taking place.

  10. Very well written Jess. Texting and Driving is something that goes on way to much around here. A text is definitely not something worth losing your life over.

  11. This was a very well written article Jess. Texting while driving is a very serious issue! I am 100% against texting and driving. In my opinion, losing your life to a simple text message is no where worth it.

  12. I agree with Kelsey. Texting while driving is a very serious issue
